Wandance Manga Volume 8

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◾ISBN: 9781646518081
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◾発行者: Kodansha Comics
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◾タイプ: Manga
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◾Format: Paperback
Current Series:
Current Series:
◾Page count: 176
Current Series:
◾Release date: 02/20/2024
Current Series:
◾Contributors: Coffee
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A boy named Kaboku sees a girl named Wanda dance, and suddenly burns with a need to join in. With its thrilling scenes of Japanese hip-hop dance and quirky, charming characters, this is a new, inspirational manga for fans of coming-of-age stories like Blue Period and Your Lie in April. Get up and join the Wandance!

Kabo dreams of making it big with Wanda, but he's convinced that the two of them are on different paths in their dancing lives. Will dancing to the beat of their own songs be the key to keeping them in step with one another, or will the duo have to dance their separate ways?

While Wanda pursues a part in Assay's dance showcase, Kabo will have to decide whether he wants to forge ahead with hip-hop, or if the siren call of breakdancing will make him part of Kabe's circle. He'd better choose fast though, because there's an all-B-Boy competition coming up, and Kabe wants Kabo to partner with him-but only if he can polish his breakdancing basics before the battle! Meanwhile, Kabo isn't the only one facing his own insecurities-On-chan reveals she has her own bouts of self-doubt and shows Kabo her secret to dealing with them. Meanwhile, Wanda throws herself into the showcase, but will she be able to prove herself among Assay's handpicked dancers, or will she discover that the big star of a backwaters high school is just another face in the crowd when it comes to the wider world of dance?

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    発送方法 到着予定時刻
    通常 発売日から2~4ヶ月程度
    迅速化 発売日から2~3週間程度
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  • 信憑性



    ✨ 英語の漫画・ライトノベルは公式翻訳されたものです。

    ✨当社の製品は、公式出版社からのものです: 講談社、Yen Press、Seven Seas、Viz Media、Vertical Comics、Tokyopop、Dark Horse Manga、KUMA など。

  • 包装




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    変化 可用性
    予約注文 - 通常 発売日から2~4ヶ月程度
    事前注文 - お急ぎ便 発売日から2~3週間程度
    手持品 - 通常/優先 在庫があり、私たちのチームによって発送可能です

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